
Search for Electronic Resources

If you want to connect to EBSCOhost and ScienceDirect from outside MU, please follow the instructions for setting up a VPN-Connection under "Download" in the right column.

If you need articles from the UNWTO e-library, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, or the Journal of Travel Research, please either download them while you are on campus or, if you are a distance learning student, please send us an email (librarysymbolmodul.acpunktat) stating which article(s) you need and we'll send you the article(s) we have access to via email.

How to access electronic media

In order to access electronic media off campus, the most important step is to set up a VPN connection. You also find the instructions in your download area or in the download box of this page (bottom right).

You do not need to log in to the catalogue (= the list of physical books and ebooks) with your library ID unless you want to safe a search there or make a reservations in case a book is taken out.

We are proud to present you with an ever-growing number of books in eBook format to make it easier for you to study away from campus. You find eBooks in the catalogue, in order to access them please click on the book title and then scroll down until it says "Link to Resource". Again, you need to be logged in via VPN.

For technical problems concerning VPN please contact IT!

Your thesis with the City of Vienna

A new platform of thesis topics connects you with the City of Vienna.

"You are working on your thesis and want to gain hands-on experience? On this platform you can find innovative and practical topics and city-specific challenges for your thesis. You can also submit your own topic suggestions in cooperation with the City of Vienna on the platform. This way your bachelor or master thesis will make a real-world impact."

Follow the link for more infomation (only in German, theses can be written in English, though)!

Using other libraries

University of Vienna

WU Vienna  (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

TU Vienna (Technical University)

BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences)

Vienna Public Libraries (in German)

Further Information

See Downloads (box on the right) for more information.

For general questions, please contact us at librarysymbolmodul.acpunktat