MU Tutoring

For students who feel additional support in certain subjects would be beneficial, we currently offer group tutoring sessions. Tutoring sessions are delivered by our very own students who have been recommended by Faculty and who have shown outstanding commitment to their own studies.

Subjects available for tutoring include:

  • Accounting and Management Control I and II
  • Financial Management and Investment Planning
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Mathematics and Statistics I and II

The benefits of receiving tutoring include not only strengthened skills and improved academic performance, which can help students in deficiency areas, but also enhance self-esteem by providing a focused environment that facilitates learning development in a safe space.­

To find out more about joining group tutorting, please speak to Elizabeth Schwarcz (elizabeth.schwarczsymbolmodul.acpunktat) or you can find out more at Open Office


Available in 2023, we will be offering students the opportunity to sign up for individual tutoring for a more personalized approach to supporting your learning.