MSc in International Tourism Management

Emerging Tools for New Media and Information Management


Course Description
The course covers advanced ICT concepts in the following areas:

  • Computer hardware and software
  • Data storage and management
  • Communication technologies, particularly the Internet, the Web and Web2.0
  • Key ICT applications and systems: enterprise applications, e-commerce, knowledge management, decision support systems, intelligent systems
  • Computer Security, Ethical and societal aspects of ICT.

The goal of this course is to familiarize students with a wide range of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) topics and their impact on key information systems used in business today. Besides explaining state-of-the art technology concepts, the course will also provide insight into emerging technology trends thus allowing students to gain a competitive advantage in this area. Ethical and societal issues will be discussed for each of the presented technologies.


Learning Objectives
Students will extend and deepen the previous knowledge of information and telecommunication technologies.  While the basic concepts taught in previous courses will be briefly repeated, novel and more complex concepts will be introduced for each topic of the course. Moreover, the course encourages critical thinking by promoting a case study centric teaching approach where students will apply theoretical notions in the context of concrete companies. Finding and making sense of news articles relevant to ICT topics is another key skill developed during this course. Finally, ethical and societal issues will be discussed for each of the presented technologies.


Dr. Tim Lammarsch


Semester Offered