MSc in Management

Research Design and Methods in Practice

Course Description
The content of this focuses on research design, structural equation modeling, time series, categorical and continuous latent constructs, decision theory, and  social decisions and public choice.  The course provides a review of study preparation and design, sampling methods, an introduction into exploratory designs, hypothesis generation and qualitative and quantitative research methods. The teaching approach emphasizes learning-by-doing throughout all phases of empirical research and - in particular - planning, executing, and evaluating.  This hands-on-approach will be carried out in exercises conducted under supervision. The application-oriented course style favors scientific questions relevant for the students’ future career and professional life. The training comprises techniques for collecting and preparing data for analytical treatment with contemporary computer software.

Learning Objectives
The students shall get acquainted to the most common statistical and econometric procedures, learning how to apply them in practice and how to implement them on a computer (PASW). Furthermore, students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about various aspects of decision situations and decision making.

Dr. Ivo Ponocny
Dr. Christian Weismayer
Dr. Dimitris Christopoulos

Semester Offered