Master in Business Administration

Managing People, Teams, and Organizations

Learning Outcomes

The aim of this course is to develop students’ understanding of the key concepts and principles of organizational behavior and management skills. To successfully complete this course students must:

  • develop an attitude of a Reflective Practitioner
  • apply theoretical frameworks to analyze the real-life problems
  • diagnose the problems and opportunities in the organization
  • recognize the root causes of the existing problems and opportunities
  • provide solutions and actions to the existing problems and opportunities
  • understand the concept of organization as an open system
  • appreciate the role of manager in influencing employee behavior, motivation and satisfaction
  • understand the concept of team dynamics
  • understand the concept of power and influence in organization
  • improve problem-solving skills

Course Content

A basic premise of this course is that the needs of future high-level managers are best served by liberal education rather than cook book approaches to managing organizations. Organizations are more complicated than most appliances, and understanding how they work takes more than memorizing simple platitudes. Practices that worked well in the past will not necessarily continue to work well in the future, and changes that helped one type of firm may harm another. Thus, an effective professional education should teach you how to make good inferences about what will work and what will not in particular situations, and how to learn from your own experiences and those of others. The best way to do this is through exposure to both rigorous research and real-world cases. That is how this course is structured. The topics covered include managing individual behavior, motivation, team dynamics, power and influence, managing conflict.