MSc in Management

Business Strategy and Market Simulation


Course Description
The purpose of this course is two-fold. The first part of the course provides students with an overview of strategic planning. Specific emphasis is placed on gaining an understanding of marketing strategy, consumer behavior, market segmentation and product positioning, product planning, financial management and human resource management. Primary emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of central strategic management concepts and applying them to “real world” problems.

The second part of the course provides an integrating experience. The primary objective is to put a variety of the skills studied over the past international management courses into practice. Students should recognize the interdependence of the material from the various business subject areas and how mastery in any area requires strength across all disciplines. Attention is placed on: the relationship between the individual firm and the forces of the global economy; market research and strategy; and a simulated implementation of a business plan.


Learning Objectives
Students will gain competencies in a range of areas related to International Management and enhance their critical thinking skills, enabling them to learn how to:
 • Identify and implement relevant marketing theories and methods related to strategic decisions. This includes identifying the dynamic forces that affect a market oriented company.
 • Identify and analyze information across business areas (marketing, operations, accounting, finance, etc.).
 • Analyze and react to core information across competitors, context, collaborators, consumers, company in dynamic market place.

• Distinguish relevant from irrelevant market data.
• Reaching consensus under time pressure with other co-CEOs about strategic decisions.
• Make logical inferences.
• Describe and explain the influence of your own and your competitors’ (un)successful strategic decisions related to your company’s performance/market value in the strategic marketing game.


Prof. Dr. Astrid Dickinger