

Modul University Vienna is an internationally recognized private university in Austria that offers study programs in English to a diverse international student body. All programs are accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQ Austria). Situated on the picturesque Kahlenberg hill, the university campus provides a stunning panoramic view of Austria's capital. With over a century of experience, the Modul brand represents a tradition of excellence in higher education, promoting values of tolerance and diversity. 

The University combines a strong academic foundation with steadfast commitment to sustainability, entrepreneurship, and innovation as the key drivers of long-term success. It aims to foster independent and original research and in turn, bring the benefits of innovation to the research community and the public. 

In pursuit of its mission, the University responds creatively to local, national, and global changes. It initiates and supports internationalization, lifelong learning, equality, and social justice. The University applies rigorous standards of scholarship and promotes the principles of freedom of scientific thought and teaching, as well as equal opportunity. The University commits itself to continuous quality improvement and extension of its educational programs. 


Modul University Vienna is located on top of Kahlenberg, a 425m mountain in the northern forests of Vienna. Our private campus is built into the mountainside and covers approximately 4000 m2 including indoor and outdoor areas accessible for students, faculty, staff and registered visitors.

The facility standards are fulfilled with smart facility technology and tools to operate the campus in a sustainable way. The university is committed to purchase renewable energy and has solar panels installed on its roof.

Next to open areas, offices and social rooms Modul University Vienna offers 10 modern lecture rooms, flexible in size and equipped for up-to-date teaching methods in the higher education field.

This site not only enjoys breathtaking views of the regional vineyards and the river Danube, but also has an interesting story to tell….


When Vienna was besieged by the Turks in 1529, the liberation armies, led by the polish emperor Ian Sobieski III, stormed down into the city from here and caught the Ottomans by surprise. After Vienna's liberation, the Viennese built the St. Joseph's Church, a beautiful landmark on Kahlenberg, which still overlooks the city today.


The church and peaceful natural surroundings attracted dukes and emperors throughout Vienna's history, but it was emperor Ferdinand II who is credited with transforming Kahlenberg into one of the top touristic locations in Vienna. Kahlenberg is still very popular with visitors and locals alike. Politicians, artists and even popes have visited Kahlenberg and its little church.


The first restaurant and hotel buildings were built in the 1930s when there was still a rack railway going up to the plateau.


In 2005 the buildings, partly designated as historic monuments, were fundamentally restored and modernized, transforming into a university building that opened its doors to students for the first time in 2007. MU students benefit from the modernized buildings and the natural environment offering great views and trails into the city. 


Modul University Vienna’s 90% majority owner is Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC), 10% is held by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce. Both organizations are committed to collaboratively expanding the international research and educational profile of Modul University Vienna. 

Since its foundation in 1996, Mathias Corvinus Collegium has grown into the largest extracurricular education provider in the Carpathian Basin. MCC offers extracurricular programs to exceptionally talented students from as early as the age of 10. Over the past more than 25 years, MCC has evolved into an interdisciplinary platform for scientific discussions, fostering public dialogue through various events, publications, and research. With over 7,000 students currently enrolled in 14 educational centers across Hungary, Transylvania, Carpathian Ukraine, and Brussels, MCC plays a vital role in the Hungarian and European scientific landscape. 

The Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as the founder of Modul University Vienna, has a rich history of supporting education. With 150 years of educational experience, it is the largest operator of private schools in Austria and a prominent organization for adult education in the country. Each year, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry's educational institutes teach over 70,000 students, contributing significantly to the educational landscape of Austria. 


The term 'constitution' refers to the principles and rules that underpin the day to day running of our university. Our constitution defines the powers of different university committees and demonstrates how they relate to each other.

Read Modul University Vienna's Constitution

University Council

The University Council supports the University Management with the development of the university. The chairperson of the University Council is elected by the University Council's ordinary members by simple majority. The functions of the University Council are listed in the University Constitution.

Currently, the University Council consists of the following ordinary members:

Zoltán Szalai
(Representative of the Owner - MCC)

42-year-old Germanist, cultural historian, director general of Mathias Corvinus Collegium, editor-in-chief at Mandiner news magazine, chairman of the board of Libri -Bookline Plc. He holds a Master's degree in German language and literature with secondary school teaching qualification from Eötvös Loránd University, a Master's degree in Human Resource Counseling from the University of Pécs, and a “summa cum laude” Ph.D degree from the ELTE Doctoral Program in German Studies. He broadened his knowledge through numerous scholarships including in Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Munich, London and Leipzig. He has been Director General of Mathias Corvinus Collegium since 2009, and since 2017 he has been director at Mandiner news magazine. He is married, father of two sons.

Balázs Szepesi
(Representative of the Owner - MCC)


Economist, sociologist, PhD in political science. He graduated at the Budapest University of Economics and at the Central European University. He started his career in 1999 at the Ministry of Economy. He worked for the National Development Office as head of department for Evaluation, Analysis and Modelling between 2003 and 2006 – his unit supported the preparation of national programs utilizing EU development funds. He led the research project ‘Report on the State of Capitalism in Hungary’ in 2008-2009. In 2009 he founded the Hétfa Research Institute with his fellows. He is the founder and editor of an online magazine, the Összkép (Big Picture) since 2015. He worked for the Ministry of Innovation and Technology as Deputy State Secretary for Economic Development between 2018 to 2020 – he was responsible for the SME policy programs of the government, and he coordinated the elaboration of the government's strategy to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises. From 2020 he is the Head of the School of Economics and the Institute on Entrepreneurship Research at Mathias Corvinus Collegium. He has led several research on the operation and characteristics of Hungarian enterprises and he is one of the founders of the Enterprise Research Network in Hungary. He was teaching throughout his career, he is a permanent teacher at the Rajk College for Advanced Studies, a patron teacher at the Széchenyi István College, and has taught several times at the Debrecen College of Economics. He has two children.

Botond Varga
(Representative of the Owner - MCC)

Botond Varga is Managing Director of LTE Hungária Kft. (Member of LTE-Group). Born in Vienna, Botond spent the first years of his life in Austria before moving back with his family to Budapest, Hungary. He has always taken advantage of the German language he learned as a mother tongue. First by attending a bilingual (German-Hungarian) secondary school in Budapest and later on in his bachelor studies at the Budapest Business School's (today Budapest Business University) Faculty of International Management and Business as well, where he studied international economics and business, and international relations specifying in EU-relations. After graduation (2005), Botond successfully applied for the post-graduate studies of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, where he graduated as MSc in Business and Management with a scope of Production Organization, Production Control and Logistics in 2008.

In 2005, during his postgraduate studies, Botond started working for a Hungarian private freight railway company, where he was assistant to the management and responsible for international relations and sales besides administration. Afterwards, in 2008, Botond was offered the possibility to build up the Hungarian branch of LTE Logistik- und Transport- GmbH, an Austrian based freight railway undertaking, serving customers throughout Europe. It was a great challenge for him, as he had to setup an operating company in a field known for its strict rules. LTE Hungary became very successful in the short term becoming an employer of more than 70 coworkers using their own traction (locomotives), personnel (loco drivers and wagon inspectors) and partially with their own railcars. Botond is managing director of LTE Hungária Kft. and steers the company as a proud member of LTE-Group. He is also a founding board member of HUPRA, the Hungarian Private Railway Association, an organization representing the interest of the private railway sector in Hungary. Botond lives in Budaörs, a suburb of Budapest in Hungary, is married and has a daughter and a son.

Dr. Kasia Greco
(Representative of the Owner Vienna Chamber of Commerce)

Vice-President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Kasia Greco is a leadership coach, healthcare expert, and facilitator, who speaks many languages (German, English, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish). She has a degree in International Business Studies and Pharmaeconomics, and also trained as an internationally certified Leadership and Life Coach. An excellent communicator and motivator, as well as a renowned keynote speaker in international management, she is currently Vice President of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and a member of the city council of Vienna. She has a proven track-record in international management, delivery of double-digit growth, motivating others, transparent planning and active intercultural networking.

Karim Jalloul
(Representative of the industry or a public institution nominated by the owners)

Karim Jalloul was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and later relocated to Austria with his family during his childhood. Having completed his education at the Military High School in Austria and fulfilling his military service commitment, Karim initiated his professional endeavors while simultaneously pursuing further education. He became part of IAS (International Aviation Security) at Vienna Airport, a company associated with Trans World Airlines.

In 1993, he successfully graduated from the International Center for Hospitality Management MODUL in Vienna. Over the course of his career, he gained extensive experience in the hotel industry, starting from entry-level roles and progressing to managerial and executive positions. Additionally, he played pivotal roles as a founder and shareholder in various hospitality ventures.

Karim's professional journey included notable stints with renowned companies such as Country Inns & Suites by Radisson, Marco Polo Hotels & Resorts, Lifestyle Living Hotels & Residences, Lake’s Hotel in Austria (located on Wörthersee), Grand Hotel Vienna, The Ring Hotel Vienna, and the Kneissl Sports brand. Alongside his managerial roles, he shared his expertise as a lecturer at the International Center for Hospitality MODUL in Vienna from 2000 to 2020.

In addition to his professional pursuits, Karim was actively involved in various advisory and ambassadorial roles. He became a member of the Executive Club at the College of Higher Education Vienna, Co-Chairman of the Industry Advisory Board of Modul University, a Member of the Advisory Board of Green Tourism Group, and an Ambassador for Teach for Austria. Since its establishment in 2009, Karim has held the position of Vice-Chairman of the "Dr. Michael Häupl Förderungsfonds," a fund dedicated to supporting higher education for students in need.

Elisabeth Köstinger
(Representative of the industry or a public institution nominated by the owners)

Elisabeth Köstinger is a former Austrian politician who was Member of European Parliament from 2009 to 2017, and subsequently served as Minister for Agriculture, Sustainability and Tourism in the Government of Chancellors Kurz, Schallenberg and Nehammer. She retired from politics in 2022 to become an entrepreneur, investor and non-executive board member of Ryanair.

Prof. Dr. Rony Flatscher
(Representative of another university or research institution nominated by the University Board)

University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna

Born as an Austrian expat in Beyrouth (Lebanon), raised in France, Italy and Austria, led Rony G. Flatscher to have an open mind for different cultures. During his studies in Innsbruck (Austria) and Vienna (Austria), he consulted companies in Austria, Egypt and the US. This accompanied his business administration studies with the special business administration fields “tourism" and "information systems" (German: "Wirtschaftsinformatik") at WU Vienna, one of the largest business administration universities in Europe.

After earning his PhD and successfully concluding his habilitation thesis, Rony G. Flatscher worked at the German universities of Essen and Augsburg before returning to WU Vienna. His interests encompass among many other fields analyzing, modeling and designing of information systems (led e.g., to his habilitation thesis "Meta-Modelling in EIA/CDIF"), but also implementing and rolling out information systems.

Rony has devised a unique lecture (8 ECTS) in which it has become possible to teach in a single semester students from scratch all that is needed to create programs on their own to interface with Windows and MS Office, but also exploiting Java technology on Windows, Linux and MacOS, allowing such BA students to interface with OpenOffice/LibreOffice on those systems, but also to empower them to create internet (socket) client-/server programs, including (even quite complex) GUI applications!

Prof. Dr. Alfred Posamentier
(Representative of another university or research institution nominated by the University Board)

Alfred S. Posamentier is currently Distinguished Lecturer at New York City College of Technology of the City University of New York. Prior to that he was Executive Director for Internationalization and Funded Programs at Long Island University, New York. This was preceded by 5 years as Dean of the School of Education and Professor of Mathematics Education at Mercy College, New York. Before that he was for 40 years at The City College of the City University of New York, at which he is now Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Education at and Dean Emeritus of the School of Education. He is the author and co-author of more than 80 mathematics books for teachers, secondary and elementary school students, as well as the general readership. Dr. Posamentier is also a frequent commentator in newspapers and journals on topics related to education.

Prof. Karl Wöber
Extraordinary members with an advisory vote

President / Rector of Modul University Vienna - see Prof. Wöber’s profile 


Honorary Senators

According to the University Constitution, the University may confer the title of honorary senator upon people who have earned recognition through special measures to Modul University Vienna, and by aiding in the development of their scientific field. Apart from purely scholarly honors, this title is the highest award conferred by Modul University Vienna.

Encomium KR Brigitte Jank

Honorary Senator of Modul University Vienna since March 7, 2015

As “Founding President of the University Council”, she supported and encouraged the development of Modul University Vienna in its early years, while promoting a holistic, value-based form of education.

Without the crucial role played by Ms Brigitte Jank and the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry during the founding phase of the University, this project might never have taken off.

Encomium H.E. Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber

Honorary Senator of Modul University Vienna since October 25, 2013

First Honorary Senator and “Founding Donor” of Modul University Vienna, he is the founder of MBI International Holdings and the founding patron and chairman of the MBI Al Jaber Foundation, which has granted scholarships to many students of Modul University Vienna.

Honorary Ring Holders

According to the University Constitution, the University can confer an honorary university ring upon people who have either made a significant academic contribution to any of Modul University Vienna’s disciplines or who have performed merit in respect to the development of Modul University Vienna. The MU university ring is decorated with nine red tourmalines, symbolizing the different stakeholder groups.

Hofrat Prof. Mag. Dr. Erich Auerbäck †

Awarded the Honorary Ring of Modul University Vienna on October 20, 2017

Dr. Erich Auerbäck dedicated his whole life to education and worked for more than 40 years for the tourism school MODUL College of which he was the director for 16 years, before his retirement in 2012.

He was the Chairman of the project team installed by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry, who was responsible for planning the University and launching it in fall 2007.

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